Understanding Late Fees at Brick Street



At Brick Street, we have two schedules to choose from, for maximum flexibility.

We understand that unexpected delays can occur, but Brick Street Child Care has implemented a late fee policy to ensure the smooth operation of our center and fairness to all families. $3.00 per minute per child will be added to your tuition for the following month when you are late to pick up your child.

Childcare is a carefully planned service that relies on consistent scheduling. When parents pick up their children late, it disrupts our staffing levels, program schedules, and the overall care we provide to all children.

Our staff members have carefully planned their day to accommodate the needs of all enrolled children, and late pick-ups can cause unexpected overtime or require adjustments to staff schedules. The late fee helps offset the additional costs incurred by the childcare center due to extended hours and staffing adjustments. It also reinforces the importance of punctuality and respect for the schedules of our staff and other families.

Is there a late fee for late arrivals?

We do not have late fees for late arrivals, but we do encourage you to arrive on time, by 9 am. Our craft and instruction time takes place in the morning before nap and lunch. When your child is late, he or she will miss this important element of the program.

Please let us know through the Procare app or class dojo if your child will not be on time for class, or if you will not be on time for pick up.

We strive to maintain a high-quality childcare environment, and your timely pick-up helps us achieve this goal. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in adhering to our late fee policy.

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